Monday 9 November 2020


   9th Nov 2020 at 10:30 am a workshop on the topic ''Development and   9th Nov 2020 at 10:30 am a workshop on the topic ''Development and Validation of Research Tools" was conducted in association with M.Ed. Department, NSS Training College, Ottapalam. The workshop commenced with a prayer by Chithra N., II year M.Ed., followed by a welcome address by Kavitha C.O., II year M.Ed. Dr K.S. Sajan, IQAC Coordinator and Assistant professor, NSS Training college Ottapalam delivered the class on the topics like how to develop and validate a tool, how to construct a tool through Google Forms for the online data collection procedure. The session was very interactive and lively. The workshop winded up with the vote of thanks delivered by Silpa K.P. Students from the second year M.Ed, NSS Training College, Ottapalam along with research scholars participated in this event and made it a grand success.
 Validation of Research Tools" was conducted in association with M.Ed. Department, NSS Training College, Ottapalam. The workshop commenced with a prayer by Chithra N., II year M.Ed., followed by a welcome address by Kavitha C.O., II year M.Ed. Dr K.S. Sajan, IQAC Coordinator and Assistant professor, NSS Training college Ottapalam delivered the class on the topics like how to develop and validate a tool, how to construct a tool through Google Forms for the online data collection procedure. The session was very interactive and lively. The workshop winded up with the vote of thanks delivered by Silpa K.P. Students from the second year M.Ed, NSS Training College, Ottapalam along with research scholars participated in this event and made it a grand success.