GuruvandanamTeacher's day celebration you tube live
Teacher's day was celebrated on 5th September 2020 on online mode.Dr Sethu S.Nath,Staff Advisor of the college welcomed all to the function. Mr. Navaneeth Krishnan,College Union Chair man presided over the function. Dr. Ampili Aravind ,Principal of the College Inagurated the programme and deleveded teacher's day message. Dr.Anil kumar KP, Our former faculty member and Principal of Devakiamma Memmorial Training College enlightened the mind of budding teachers with thoughtful teacher's day message. Dr.KS Sajan IQAC Coordinator, Dr.Minikumari D staff secretary of the college and Sr.Sureshkumar Office assistant falicitated the function.Followed by the experience sharing of student teachers about their super teachers were took place. Vote of thanks for the function was delivered by Ms. JefinyC X General Secretary of College Union.
[9/5, 2:43 PM] Sajan Siirr:
[9/5, 3:06 PM] Sajan Siirr: