Thursday 30 May 2024


 Report on the Workshop Conducted by Dr K S Sajan

Three-day Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on Digital Pedagogy for Teachers at Mar Baselios College of Teacher Education, Sulthan Bathery

Dr. K. S. Sajan from the Faculty of Education conducted a three-day Faculty Development Programme (FDP) workshop on digital pedagogy for the teachers of Mar Baselios College of Teacher Education, Sulthan Bathery. The workshop took place on May 21, 22, and 23, 2024, and aimed to equip educators with the skills and knowledge necessary to implement digital tools and technologies in their teaching and administrative practices.

 Course Content for the Workshop

Day 1: Introduction to Office Automation

Session 1: Welcome and Overview
- Introduction to the workshop objectives and agenda
- Ice-breaking activity and participant introductions

Session 2: Fundamentals of Office Automation
- Definition and importance of office automation in educational institutions
- Overview of office automation tools and technologies

Session 3: Automation Tools for Educational Administration
- In-depth exploration of popular office automation software (e.g., Microsoft Office 365, Google Workspace)
- Demonstration of key features and functionalities

Session 4: Implementing Office Automation
- Steps to implement office automation in a college setting
- Case studies and success stories from other institutions

Practical Activity:
- Hands-on practice with selected office automation to

Day 2: Student Management Systems (SMS)

Session 1: Introduction to Student Management Systems
- Overview of SMS and their role in educational administration
- Key features and benefits of using SMS

Session 2: Detailed Walkthrough of a Student Management System
- In-depth demonstration of a popular SMS (e.g., PowerSchool, Blackbaud)
- Key functionalities: enrolment, attendance, grading, communication

Session 3: Integrating SMS with Office Automation Tools
- Techniques to integrate SMS with other administrative tools
- Streamlining processes and ensuring data consistency

Session 4: Data Security and Privacy
- Importance of data security in student management
- Best practices for protecting sensitive student information
- Compliance with data protection regulations (e.g., FERPA, GDPR)

Practical Activity:
- Hands-on practice with SMS features and security configurations

Day 3: Enhancing Efficiency and Future Trends

Session 1: Streamlining Administrative Workflows
- Identifying areas for automation in current workflows
- Strategies for minimising manual tasks and errors

Session 2: Enhancing Communication and Collaboration
- Tools and techniques for improving communication among faculty, students, and staff
- Integrating communication platforms with SMS

Session 3: Troubleshooting and Problem-Solving
- Common challenges in office automation and SMS
- Practical solutions and troubleshooting techniques

Session 4: Future Trends in Educational Technology
- Emerging technologies in office automation and student management
- Preparing for future advancements and innovations

Practical Activity:
- Collaborative project: Develop a streamlined process using office automation and SMS

Closing Session:
- Recap of key learnings
- Participant feedback and Q&A
- Certification ceremony and closing remarks


By the end of the workshop, participants gained a comprehensive understanding of how to leverage office automation and student management systems to enhance efficiency and effectiveness in their educational institutions. The hands-on activities and practical sessions provided them with the skills needed to implement these tools in their respective colleges successfully.