Thursday 7 December 2023

  Marking the Centenary of The Waste Land by T S Eliot.

On the hundredth anniversary of The Waste Land’s first publication in The Criterion, we celebrate the moment at which the poem formally entered our literary landscape. However, we can also take the centennial as an opportunity to explore the context around this important moment.  As part of this on 06/12/2022 the English Language Association of NSS Training College Ottapalam organized a talk on  the topic Marking the Centenary of The Waste Land by T S Eliot.  The event began with the prayer.  Ms. Bavitha C B delivered the welcome address, followed by the presidential address by Associate Professor Dr Mridula K. The event's chief guest was Principal Prof.( Dr) Ampili Aravind; she delivered the inaugural address and graced the occasion. She emphasized that reading is important for personal and academic growth.Ms. Nimisha delivered an introduction to T S Eliot and Ms. Monika M elucidated the great author's works. Ms. K N Anupama recited the poem The Waste Land and  Ms. Shahla K delivered a talk on The Waste Land and it's relevance in 21st century. The themes in The Waste Land was introduced by Amritha C and the event concluded  with a vote of thanks by Ms. Aiswarya P K.