Monday 16 October 2023

Weeklong Yoga Workshop

Yoga is a balanced state of the body and mind. To equipment students of I st year M.ed ( 2023- 2025) batch of NSS Training college ottapalam a " Week-long yoga workshop" was coordinated by Dr Seema Menon K P [Associate professor, yoga trainer and evaluator ( YCB)] and was  conducted from 16/10/23 to 20/10/23 in the PG block of the college. 28 students attended the workshop. We got an insight about ' sookshma yoga' from warmup. Different types of pranayamas like ' Nadi shudhi pranayama'. Different types of yogasanas including standing asanas like Vrikshasana, Ardachandrasana , Padahastasana, Trigonasana  etc. Sitting asanas like Pasmasana , Vajrasana , Butterfly pose, etc. Lying asanas like Bhujangasana, savasana , boat lose, shalabhasana, Dhanurasana, etc. Meditation and yoga Nidia helped us relax our mind and body. Overall the workshop was an exceptional experience which helped students understand the benefits of yoga. Seema ma'am helped us and also transferred her positive energy and enthusiasm to make us energetic. The workshop was a great success.