Thursday, 15 June 2017

Blood donors day program

Blood donors day was observed under the auspices of NSS Training College and valluvanad blood donors forum. A blood group detection campaign was organized as a part of this. The programme was inaugurated by the college principal Dr. Lakshmi K Nair. Dr. Seema Menon, the coordinator of blood donors forum of our college, delivered the presidential address. Sri. Venugopal(president, valluvanad blood donors forum) published blood donors register. It was followed by an awareness class by Smt. Mintey(blood bank, Thrissur). Sri. Radhakrishnan(member, valluvanad blood donors forum) elaborated the activities of the forum. Anil.KR(M.Ed Association Secretary) delivered the welcome address and vote of thanks was delivered by Majitha(Vice Chairperson).