Wednesday, 23 March 2022


A data analysis workshop was conducted for MEd students of 2020-2022 batch on 23:03 2022. The workshop was conducted in offline mode. The following statistical tools were described.
Descriptive statistics, independent sample t test, paired sample t test ANOVA, ANCOVA, Correlation, significance of difference between two correlation coefficients, Scatter plot Boxand other graphical representation of data. Dr K S  Sajan IQAC coordinator acted as resource person for the Session.

Friday, 18 March 2022

Pi Day Celebration by Mathematics Department


                        Mathematics Association of NSS Training College, Ottapalam celebrated 35th annual Pi-day on 14 March 2022. Dr.Minikumari D (HOD of Mathematical Education) coordinated the program. Welcome speech was done by Steffi Jose (Second year B.Ed Mathematics student). The college Principal Dr. Amplili Aravind done the presidential address. Felicitations were done by Dr. Minikumari D ,  Meera Rajan (Second year M.Ed student). A talk on importance of celebrating Pi-day was presented by Resmi P V (First year B.Ed Mathematics student). Vote of thanks was done by Jibi Joy (Second year B.Ed Mathematics student). Afterwards a  game on memorizing maximum digits of the value of Pi was also conducted and Megha K S (First year B.Ed Mathematics student) won the first prize and Haritha P K (First year B.Ed Mathematics student) won the second prize. The program gets concluded with National Anthem. 

SUPW: Book binding 2022

Dr Suresh Kumar K gave training in book binding

Saturday, 12 March 2022

Friday, 11 March 2022

Orientation on BEd Practical Examination 2022

On 11 March 2022 , an orientation program for practical examination was conducted for fourth semester students of NSS Training College Ottapalam . The programme started at 10am. Dr. Ampili Aravind, Principal of NSS Training College ,Ottapalam,  gave general instructions that students should follow on the examination day. After that Dr. Minikumari D, Coordinator, Academic Monitoring Cell (Head of the  Department , Mathematics Education)  explained the  details of the documents that the students should submit on the day of examination . She gave  detailed instructions and explained  all the practical works  in semester wise. The orientation program was very useful as the students got a very clear picture about the practical examination.
with regards

Mathematics Students CTET victory

Congratulations 🎉

National Mathematics Day celebration


                     In collaboration with IQAC, Mathematics association of NSS Training college, Ottapalam celebrated National Mathematics day 2021, “INFINITY” in honor of birth anniversary of the mathematical genius Srinivasa Ramanujan on 22 December 2021. Dr. Minikumari D (HOD of Mathematical education) coordinated the program. Welcome speech was done by Aparnna. K (First semester B.Ed Mathematics student) . The college principal Dr. Amplili Aravind done the presidential address and inaugurated the program. Felicitations were done by Dr. Minikumari D (HOD of Mathematical education) , Dr. K S Sajan (IQAC Coordinator) , Dr. Lakshmi V (Staff advisor) , Sri. Akhil K Sreedharan (Staff Secretary) and Sri. Suresh kumar K (Head accountant). A small talk on life sketch of Srinivasa Ramanujan and importance of celebrating Mathematics day was presented by Binisha V, (Third semester B.Ed Mathematics student) . After that a live demonstration on Ramanujan’s major life events was also presented by First semester B.Ed Mathematics students. Vote of thanks was done by Haritha P K (First semester B.Ed Mathematics student). 

Wednesday, 9 March 2022

Live Interaction on PMeVIDYA : Webinar ICT-Tools : Explore Jamovi NCERT OFFICIAL SWAYAMPRABHA

The programs can be viewed on: 1. DD Free dish channel #128 2. Zee Dish TV Channel #950 3. TataSky Channel #756 4. Airtel TV Channel #440 5. VmVideocon Channel #477 6. Jio TV App (Swayam Prabha 31) 7. ‘NCERT OFFICIAL’ YouTube Channel The viewers may send feedback, queries and suggestions through: 1. Toll free telephone numbers (1800111265, 1800112199) 2. Email ( 3. SWAYAM Prabha App 4. ePathshala Kishore Manch App ( 5. Social Media Platforms of CIET & NCERT (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Telegram)

our students qualified CTET EXAMINATION

Womens Day Invited Guest

Our Principal Dr. Ampili Aravind inaugurated the women's day celebrations 2022 organized by 27(K) BN NCC Palakad at Nehru Group of Institutions, Lakkidi.

Inauguration of intramural Chess Championship by Dr. Ampili Aravind, Principal NSS Training college ottapalam..

Tuesday, 8 March 2022


പുതിയ ജോലിയിൽ പ്രവേശിക്കുന്ന ഗസ്റ്റ് അദ്ധ്യയി ക ശ്രീമതി ദിവ്യ റ്റി. പി ക്ക് അനുമോദനങ്ങൾ